How do I use the purple tile with flashing yellow arrows in Alpha Betty Level 7?
I'm new to the game, and on level 7. I've dropped down 2 of the 3 cheeses, then got a flashing purple & yellow tile that I can't seem to select or use in a word. Nothing happens when I click on it or brush the mouse across it. If I click on a different tile, it then turns into the purple/yellow tile and I STILL can't use it in a word. What's going on?
Ah you must be talking about the the Line Blasters, they are created by making words with five letters or more. The yellow arrows indicate which way the blast will go off once that tile is used to create a word, eliminating all tiles and blockers in it's path.
Although from the sounds of it, it seems you may have accidentally clicked on the Line Blaster booster icon in the side menu. When you click on the icon, it will give you the possibility of transforming any normal tile into a line blaster tile, once you have chosen the tile you want to place it on, you will see above the board the option to accept its placement (green tick) or to cancel it (red cross).
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