Is there another game like Alpha Betty that uses a real dictionary?
I started using the game to better my spelling and vocabulary, but Alpha Betty's vocabulary is very odd! It seems to have no REAL rules. It accepts many 3 letter words that are not words found anywhere--by me. Also, it does not accept many simple words, scientific words, names--although there are "acceptions" to that rule. See-I do not spell very well (thanks to "spell check" which by the way, knows NO science) and that is what I wanted to work on--actually remembering how to spell and too better my vocabulary. Alpha Betty has the opportunity to be a successful, productive game IF you will upgrade it. Educated people love to play games, also!!!
If you have any doubt on any words that you think should or shouldn't be there, check this site: (If it's accepted by scrabble, it's accepted everywhere!)
If you find something that is or isn't accepted when it should or shouldn't be, it would be helpful if you list them here in your post so we can get them verified.
Remember that acronyms, abbreviations and contractions do not count, and that onomatopoeic words such as "aah" are accepted.
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