Level 200 alpha Betty, break a mouse trap just for it to keep reappearing... Glitch?

Level 1
Level 200 alpha Betty, the crowns break a mouse trap just for it to keep reappearing... Glitch?
Best Answer
Thanks for bringing this up Krista!
Working on the Mousetraps..
Thanks for bringing this up Krista!
Working on the Mousetraps..
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Hey King care. You said 4 weeks ago you were working on the mousetraps. So how come level 200 still has reappearing mousetraps. The level is impossible with this glitch and having tried over 100 time to complete the level, I have now abandoned your game altogether. Please get this fixed and I might consider picking it up again
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Hi Paul,
I just replayed this level 200 on my Facebook and they do not reappear for me ever since this was fixed.
Where do you play the game on? Don't forget to update the game app in case you play on a phone or a tablet ;-)
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