Mousetraps come back immediately after being removed
This is a terrible bug in the iPhone version of the game. It happens in levels with multiple mousetraps. Say there are two traps on adjacent tiles, Tile A and Tile B, and the one on Tile A has nowhere to go. If the trap on Tile B is removed (say, by the action of a purple tile), then the remaining mousetrap now can jump from A to B. But when it does, a new mousetrap materializes "out of nowhere" on Tile A.
This doesn't happen every time, but it happens a lot. I have seen this behavior on countless levels. In particular it can be easily seen on level 212, as there is a crowd of mousetraps that can't move until one is removed. The last time I attempted this level, I 'removed' seven mousetraps with crowns, but five of them came back immediately.
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