Level 78 blue bubbles

Posts: 8
Level 1
in Support
I am playing level 78 and want to know what the numbers are for on
the blue bubbles. I noticed sometimes I lose turns when i get rid of a
blue bubble.
Best Answer
Those are tile bombs, if you do not use those tiles in a word before the counter goes to zero in the bubble, they will blow up and take moves from you! So try to get rid of them ASAP!
Those are tile bombs, if you do not use those tiles in a word before the counter goes to zero in the bubble, they will blow up and take moves from you! So try to get rid of them ASAP!
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Happy to see you passed the roadblock Michelle
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I figured out the problem. It was my fault. Thought i had done level 66 and got stars but i never got stars. The moment I got stars I could Advance.
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