How do resolve words that are spelled out, but ABS does not recognize the words?

Level 1
I love the game, I love spelling challenges, but often I spell a word out and the game does not recognize it. And then at other times it will accept a word that is clearly misspelled.
Best Answer
Hey Nick,
You can always provide those words here on the site. I´ve seen other players posting lists of words that they thought should or should not be in the game.
I love the game too and I think it´s cool that we all can help to improve the game.
Hey Nick,
You can always provide those words here on the site. I´ve seen other players posting lists of words that they thought should or should not be in the game.
I love the game too and I think it´s cool that we all can help to improve the game.
0 -
Ok so where on this site? For examle the word "glum" shows as not being a valid word but it is in every dictionary I've checked - I'v found this with other words and cannot find out where to let know
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