Library problems and can't get past level 215!
LOVING THIS GAME!!!! (However, a couple of problems have popped up . . . . . .) First, when I go into the library, I cannot find any explanations for any of the character icons anywhere. Have tried touching the screen everyplace possible with no luck. Also, I cannot choose any of the character icons to use for any of the games, if that is what they are there for. I would assume that is the case, but I haven't been able to do it. The game itself chooses the icon it wants at the beginning of each game for me. If this is what it is supposed to do, and we are not able to choose them for ourselves for each game, then why not just say so? It is very confusing! Also, most of the character icons, once unlocked, don't even show up in the games. I haven't even seen half of them used yet and I am already up to level 215. Second, I finished every level, with three stars, through level 215. I can't go any further, as it only gives me clouds. How do I get past level 215? I'm assuming that there are additional levels, as I saw a current question referencing a levelpast 250, or something. Please provide assistance as soon as you can, so I can continue to enjoy the game . It really is GREAT!!!!
Hi Canegame,
I love this game too!
The benefits of each of the characters in the library are indicated underneath them. Not every character is available in every level.
You tagged Facebook; on PC you should currently have 275 levels to enjoy.
Android has 230 levels at the moment and iOS has 215 levels for the time being. I understand from what you write that you play on iOS.
Check for updates for your iOS device and your installed apps. Restart your device.
If you still have issues in the library, I would recommend you to uninstall the game and reinstall if afterwards. Your Gold Bars and levels will be synchronized once you connect to your Facebook or to your Kingdom account.
Keep an eye out on the Facebook page for new levels on iOS
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