Recurring issues in alphabetty with freezing and shuffling

Cupcake-2 Posts: 3

Level 1

In the last few weeks the game has frozen and nothing works. I have to restart my device. Now on level 167 (this happened other levels recently too), the game isn't recognizing available moves, shuffles and then kicks me out. If I click retry it opens and partially loads a new game screen but then kicks me out and takes a life.  I have attempted to go back to the map and select the level rather than retry but it does the same thing.  This is getting annoying.


  • Marc_Denis
    Marc_Denis Posts: 1

    Level 1

    This happens from time to time; You will have to restart your level...

  • Jacqui_Williams
    Jacqui_Williams Posts: 2

    Level 1

    That does not help, it happens at various levels and it's content. I uninsulated a few of the Samsung built in apps which helped for a while but not helping anymore.

  • derdle
    derdle Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have the same issue, on multiple levels and on multiple devices. It shuffles once fine but if it then has to immediately shuffle again it crashes out of the game.

  • Cupcake-2
    Cupcake-2 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It got ridiculously annoying. I have stopped playing the game. It's a shame. It's a fun game when it works.

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