Recurring issues in alphabetty with freezing and shuffling
In the last few weeks the game has frozen and nothing works. I have to restart my device. Now on level 167 (this happened other levels recently too), the game isn't recognizing available moves, shuffles and then kicks me out. If I click retry it opens and partially loads a new game screen but then kicks me out and takes a life. I have attempted to go back to the map and select the level rather than retry but it does the same thing. This is getting annoying.
This happens from time to time; You will have to restart your level...
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That does not help, it happens at various levels and it's content. I uninsulated a few of the Samsung built in apps which helped for a while but not helping anymore.
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I have the same issue, on multiple levels and on multiple devices. It shuffles once fine but if it then has to immediately shuffle again it crashes out of the game.
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It got ridiculously annoying. I have stopped playing the game. It's a shame. It's a fun game when it works.
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