How to pass level 50 on Alphabetty?

Level 1
Must someone be logged on facebook to pass level 50? Someone I know is playing on her kindle and though has a facebook account she has no friends on it because she doesn't use it. She is now locked out. How can she move forward?
Strategy for Alphabetty Saga Level 50: Make line blasters to remove the vines first as vined letters don't contribute to the letter count. Crowns count as an extra letter so make crowns and use them to help get the 7 letter word. Watch my video for a demonstration and timely strategy comments, tips and explanations. Subscribe to my channel ... I am working on more walkthroughs
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Chloe Lee - that's not the answer to the question. I believe the question is that the person has CLEARED Level 50 and isn't being allowed to progress any further. Up above, I've asked the same question, but King Care appears to be ducking the answer
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Yes I have the same problem. I have passed level 50 twice but it refuses to let me progress to level 51. Every time I press CONTINUE, I am back at Level 50. And my FB picture no longer shows.
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I have this problem on my tablet too. I have passed level 50 MANY times and have played it over and over again, for days. I'm still stuck on level 50. On my desk top computer, I have been able to advance, but not on my tablet. Also, my FB picture no longer shows.
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