Level 167 - cheese chunks in top box do not drop out once they reach the bottom. Also, my level 167
Grate news everyone... We've got word that the cheese is once again dropping off the board as usual!
Thank you for your patience!
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Please note that the technical issue on level 167 for Facebook should be solved by now.Please reinstall Alphabetty on Facebook. In order to delete the game from Facebook please follow these steps:Go to “Settings => Apps” and press the “x” next to the game app.Now clear the cache for your computer: http://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser's-Cache.You can now restart your PC and add the game back to your Facebook account.Then you should be able to play level 167 without technical issues. I apologize for the inconvenience.Hey guys, thanks for posting. We've signaled this to the developers and are currently looking into it. As soon as we hear more information we'll be posting back into this thread to let you know.
Thank you!
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