Alphabetty level 160

Level 1
Crashes upon 2nd shuffle which happens most times as the area to make words is small compared to some other levels. I can only ever manage to play 1 game out of my 5 lives which is now putting me off the game.
Melissa, if your game is crashing then firstly check for app & software updates, check you have enough available memory on your phone and clear out its cache. These little troubleshooting steps can work a treat sometimes.
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I've got the same problem with the Dutch version. I've been stuck on this level for days now. Software update has not resolved the problem. The area to make words is way too small, this way often there is no possibility to make a word and then the game shuffles automatically. When after the 3. shuffle still no word can be made, the game automatically shuts down and a live is lost. Sometimes up to 3 lives are lost in a row, which is definitely a reason to stop playing when no solution is being offered soon!
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the question was asked three months ago and no answer solves the problem....
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