How do I get levels beyond 275?
Best Answer
Ah, I see it now, first you said 275, but now I can see the last screenshot, this means you're on the last available level right now. You will have to wait for a level update before you can continue.
That's strange, I know you can update your mobile, but normally on Facebook the levels just auto update. Is there a roadblock on your map, what do you see at the end, put up a screenshot!
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Well, suddenly the levels appeared all the way to 320 but I was only able to play up to 290. I see the other levels but 291 didn't open when I completed 290. -
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Well, suddenly the levels appeared all the way to 320 but I was only able to play up to 290. I see the other levels but 291 didn't open when I completed 290.That's strange, I know you can update your mobile, but normally on Facebook the levels just auto update. Is there a roadblock on your map, what do you see at the end, put up a screenshot!
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Ah, I see it now, first you said 275, but now I can see the last screenshot, this means you're on the last available level right now. You will have to wait for a level update before you can continue.
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