Why is my alphabetty game paused after level 305?
After I finished level 305 in alphabetty there is no 306...just a balloon hanging where 306 should be. I have seen a blue screen briefly after the screen pops up where you send lives. It says something about the game being paused but it goes away too quickly to read. I am upset because I have spent money on gold bars and can now no longer play.
Best Answer
It seems levels 291- 320 are a pre-release or something and is not officially out. I've not been able to go further than 290 myself but have heard from others that they've played further than that. It seems 290 is still currently the latest level for the time being.
It seems levels 291- 320 are a pre-release or something and is not officially out. I've not been able to go further than 290 myself but have heard from others that they've played further than that. It seems 290 is still currently the latest level for the time being.
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Sunshine, I've had the same experience. I have 50 gold bars at Level 305 and now I have the balloon hanging over 306. I sent an email through King's customer service asking what's happening and got NO response. This is insane and not right!!!
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