Completed Level 290 but 291 will not open; Facebook and
Best Answer
It's because level 290 is the last available level. The map continues but it hasn't unlocked yet. I've noticed this it how it looks now. You can see the future levels but it tells you in a pop up that you have to wait.
It's because level 290 is the last available level. The map continues but it hasn't unlocked yet. I've noticed this it how it looks now. You can see the future levels but it tells you in a pop up that you have to wait.
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That's interesting because in the chat that shows up when I play in Facebook, a few people have said that they are on levels greater than 290. I guess I'll just keep checking, thanks for the reply!It's because level 290 is the last available level. The map continues but it hasn't unlocked yet. I've noticed this it how it looks now. You can see the future levels but it tells you in a pop up that you have to wait.
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