level completion

Posts: 2
Level 1
in Support
boy,i saw some questions,im not that far and i am having so much trouble just trying to complete level 25,i hope thats the one,u have to collect 5 cheeses,omg,for the life of me i cant get it,i know theres a trick,could u please give me a hint,as soon as i get close to the bottom,BOOM,im out of turns,please give me a hint,thank you,oh by the way,great game.....
Best Answer
Hi Ross!
Please see this thread: https://care.king.com/en/alphabetty-saga/i-m-on-level-25-of-alpha-betty-saga
Looks like you're not the only one who had some struggle with level 25.
Cheers :-)
Hi Ross!
Please see this thread: https://care.king.com/en/alphabetty-saga/i-m-on-level-25-of-alpha-betty-saga
Looks like you're not the only one who had some struggle with level 25.
Cheers :-)
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