Tea Time Freeze
I encounter this issue at every Tea Time. It does not progress after 3 days or after asking friends. At the last tea time, a King Care moderator came to my rescue; and assured me, the bug would be fixed before I reach the next tea time. I may stop playing the game if this continues. How do I progress?
I know there is an issue with sending and getting tickets etc, I saw a moderator post about it:
Do you have any gold bars left? You can use 9 of them if you want to carry on.
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Thanks Kingzpinn. I wonder what I'd do to move to the next level when I run out of gold bars? How come the process of applying gold bars works smoothly, but the process of level progression isn't? I really can't keep dealing with this. I'm deleting the game. So many other word games in the Google Play Store can take its place.I know there is an issue with sending and getting tickets etc, I saw a moderator post about it:
Do you have any gold bars left? You can use 9 of them if you want to carry on.
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