Alphhabetty saga on FaceBook: blank screen @ level 145
Posts: 2
Level 1
in Support
Alphabetty Saga on Facebook, using IE11 on Windows 10: after completing level 144, when I now open the game, it just shows me a blank playing field.
Uninstalled/reinstalled game: same issue.
Cleared browser cache (inc cookies): same issue.
Restarted system: same issue.
Have you tried playing in a different browser than IE11 Ruud Van Velsen? Best way to quickly rule out browser related problems.
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Well, I've tried Edge, the other built-in browser on Windows 10, and that has the same issue. Note that the issue does not happen if I logon on another Windows 10 system. So it would appear some locally stored AlphaBetty data has become corrupted on the first device...Have you tried playing in a different browser than IE11 Ruud Van Velsen? Best way to quickly rule out browser related problems.
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