line blasters
Yeah to get a Line Blaster you need a word with a minimum of 5 letters. The thing is other factors can make a 5+ letter word count only as 4, for example if a tile is tangled it will not get added to the tally of the as they don't get removed, they only get untangled and will count the next time instead. Blank tiles also don't get counted.
There's also chance it could be a bug which could stop them from generating but not seeing as no else has reported the same problem recently, it's doubtful. What do you play on anyway Jessie, PC or Mobile?
What do play on Jessie, PC or Mobile?
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Blank tiles count!Yeah to get a Line Blaster you need a word with a minimum of 5 letters. The thing is other factors can make a 5+ letter word count only as 4, for example if a tile is tangled it will not get added to the tally of the as they don't get removed, they only get untangled and will count the next time instead. Blank tiles also don't get counted.
There's also chance it could be a bug which could stop them from generating but not seeing as no else has reported the same problem recently, it's doubtful. What do you play on anyway Jessie, PC or Mobile?
What do play on Jessie, PC or Mobile?
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Hi there StuckinAtree (lol) thank you for your response, much appreciated
I play on my iPad. The game is forever crashing. However I know it takes 5 letter words to make a blaster, but I didn't know everything else you replied. Also the QU should count as 2 letters, no? Yes? We are using two letters. Does your game crash? What do play on? Please have yourself a great day!
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Glad to be of help Jessie
Oh yeah forgot about those, the double letter tiles only counts for one as they are on a singular tile. If you come across a silver tile it doubles the score value of a tile and gold ones will double the score value of the entire word you make.
I play on a mobile LG Nexus 5, apart from the odd crash here and there I've not had any trouble with it.
If it's crashing regularly for you and your progress has been saved to either FB or Kingdom then the only thing I can think of is to uninstall and install from fresh again, but I've just checked and can see that the 1st gen iPad is no longer listed in the supported devices for Apple on the site (it says iPad2 and later models.) so I'd be very hesitant to suggest uninstalling as I'm not sure whether you'll be able to download it again :(Thanks Jessie
You too and hope you've had a pleasant weekend!
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"Blank tiles have no value but the good thing about them is that they can fill in for a missing letter. They can help fill gaps and allow you to create long and complicated words." - Taken from this a blog post - to get a Line Blaster you need a word with a minimum of 5 letters. The thing is other factors can make a 5+ letter word count only as 4, for example if a tile is tangled it will not get added to the tally of the as they don't get removed, they only get untangled and will count the next time instead. Blank tiles also don't get counted.
There's also chance it could be a bug which could stop them from generating but not seeing as no else has reported the same problem recently, it's doubtful. What do you play on anyway Jessie, PC or Mobile?
What do play on Jessie, PC or Mobile?
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