Why won't it accept real words?

Level 1
I have reached level 50 and decided to replay earlier levels to up my scores. On level 2 I tried to play the word intelligent, however alphabetty refuses to accept this as a word. For an "intelligent" game it seems a tad ridiculous to not accept real known words. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a letter limit I'm unaware of?
I'm inclined to think that you are more likely to have made a mistake in linking up the letters in a word that long than that the word isn't in the dictionary used by the game. There is no letter limit that I'm aware of but having completed every level currently available and never having had the chance to get beyond 10 I can't be absolutely certain of that. There is, I suppose, a small possibility that the particular dictionary entry contains an error which means it won't match. The chances of ever being in a position to check are microscopically small, however, so, you know, use one of the other hundreds of thousands of words available and move on.
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