Best In Class Achievement
Does anyone know what is necessary to get this achievement award? It says 20 top scores but as I hold the top score in all 160 levels that have been completed by at least one of my 'friends' (I've completed all 390) yet register as 0% in the achievement that would seem to be an inaccurate description.
Best Answer
Yeah I remember something about that one, it was something mad like you had to get the top score when playing a new level for the first time, so one shot only which makes next to impossible to get! Will ask my friends if they know more about it and let you know if I hear anything more on that, Baz!
Yeah I remember something about that one, it was something mad like you had to get the top score when playing a new level for the first time, so one shot only which makes next to impossible to get! Will ask my friends if they know more about it and let you know if I hear anything more on that, Baz!
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That's fine. As I'm so far out in front now I guess there'll never be any opportunity to add to the score. Would be nice to have the full set but I'll live! Just wanted to make sure that it was another King eccentricity and not some fault in my account. Thanks.Yeah I remember something about that one, it was something mad like you had to get the top score when playing a new level for the first time, so one shot only which makes next to impossible to get! Will ask my friends if they know more about it and let you know if I hear anything more on that, Baz!
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