Blue bell countdown not visible
Best Answer
Kaatje, something went wrong when you tried to upload the screenshot.
I have found this video clip on YouTube that shows how to play level 104:
I hope it will help you to solve the level.
Cheers :-)
Hi Kaatje!
Which level are you specifically at?
Could you please post a screenshot of the issue? Then I might be able to help you out.
Cheers :-)
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Ah Combo, that leads to a new question
How do I make a screen shot in Samsung S4-mini
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Hi Kaatje!
For the vast majority of Android phones and tablets, to take a screenshot you simply press and hold the power and volume-down buttons together. After a few seconds the screen will flash and a notification will appear in the drop-down bar at the top of the screen, giving you options to delete, share or edit the image. You can also access the screenshot from your Gallery.
Cheers :-)
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Hi Combo
Got the screen shot
Now looking for a button to upload it (here)
I'm at level 104
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Kaatje, something went wrong when you tried to upload the screenshot.
I have found this video clip on YouTube that shows how to play level 104:
I hope it will help you to solve the level.
Cheers :-)
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