AlphaBetty don't run on crome browesr

Aerre Posts: 3

Level 1


I can't play alphabetty on facebook ....need flashPlayer! Chrome have integrated FP in the why this request?

Anywhy i try to play with firefox and have installedFP(flash player) but also this way can't play for the same error...need Flash Player!

I have also cleaned the cache of my browser...but nothing!

please help me!  



sorry for my elementary english


  • Wunderbaum
    Wunderbaum Posts: 4,398

    Hi Aerre!

    Have you tried playing the game on

    I saw on another thread a step by step instruction on how to transfer your game progress to

    1) Go to and login then click on settings (cog wheel, top right corner of screen)

    2) Choose Account

    3) Enter your password

    4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook

    5) Click on the two arrows to initiate the sync

    Once done your progress is synchronized and you should now be able to play and progress without any issues.

    Cheers :-)

  • Aerre
    Aerre Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi combo!

    thanks for your answer but you don't resolved my can play AB in Facebook?

  • Wunderbaum
    Wunderbaum Posts: 4,398

    Hi Aerre!

    Did AlphaBetty work on

    Try disabling any plugins and extensions in your browser. Also check what other programs you have running in the background while playing the game. I can also recommend that you use Google Chrome as it seems to run really well with Flash based games like AlphaBetty Saga.

    Let me know how you progress.

    Cheers :-)

  • Aerre
    Aerre Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hi Aerre!

    Did AlphaBetty work on

    Try disabling any plugins and extensions in your browser. Also check what other programs you have running in the background while playing the game. I can also recommend that you use Google Chrome as it seems to run really well with Flash based games like AlphaBetty Saga.

    Let me know how you progress.

    Cheers :-)

    Oh yes! on it work!but still no on FB!I try disabiling any plugins and clean cache also......but nothing to do!

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