there have been a lot of problems with Alpha Betty crashing/freezing/ unable to load/ sign-in.
Posts: 3
Level 1
in Support
this happens on a wide variety of browsers. i follow and participate in ABS live chat and so many people have been frustrated with this situation, which has been getting progressively worse.
ABS live chat, Where can I find that? What are the troubleshooting that you usually take when you are having issues playing Laurie? Would also be good to know which browsers you use.
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Alpha Betty Live Chat is accessed beside the game when playing on facebook. i use chrome. as for troubleshooting the only luck i have had is with reloading the game. it results in a loss of an incomplete game as most of the time it freezes while playing. i have had it quit between levels, too.ABS live chat, Where can I find that? What are the troubleshooting that you usually take when you are having issues playing Laurie? Would also be good to know which browsers you use.
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