Alpha Betty not loading up
Alpha Betty not loading is driving me insane. Can someone please fix this issue from King. I also understand that it takes time to release new episodes....but never have I waited this long for a new episode to be released. I think its been over two months now for a new Alpha Betty episode...been patiently waiting to play past level 320. Please King can you correct this issue.
Loading issues and new levels are two different things. I can't create new levels, haha. But I can give you some tips to help with this loading issue. I would check if your adobe flash player is up to date. I would also close all your programs and only have your browser open when you play. If this doesn't work then try a new browser all together to see if you can play there.
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Alpha betty is not loading for me in chrome or safari - flash is up to date
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I have loaded chrome and checked flash is up to date. Game will not loadLoading issues and new levels are two different things. I can't create new levels, haha. But I can give you some tips to help with this loading issue. I would check if your adobe flash player is up to date. I would also close all your programs and only have your browser open when you play. If this doesn't work then try a new browser all together to see if you can play there.
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