I can't play new levels
I had finished all the available levels and I have been waiting for the new ones for months.
I was very happy when the upgrade added new levels, but I can't play them.
The balloon moves to the new level, and the level is selected, but its game type symbol is not showing on it, and it is not clickable.
Please help. Thanks.
What level are you on? The recent update was for PC platform was it not? Didn't think it was out for mobile yet
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I am at level 275. Levels 276-290 are available, the balloon goes to level 276, but I can't start it.
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Ah ok, that's strange as I thinks it's only Kindle that only goes up to level 275 for now. I'm guessing reinstalling the game hasn't helped no?
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I tried reinstalling, reverting to previous version and update again, reinstalling a backup.
All to no avail.
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