Alphabetty crashes

Level 1
unless on fix has been made in 6 months, then something new is wrong. I suspect it's linked to the Valentines Day sale as there is part of the design lingering in the upper left of the screen before it goes dark.
I don't understand, have you been having a problem for 6 months on top of the game crashing on you? Working out where the problem is coming from is a process of elimination, the first most important thing is to rule out is your device and game as that cannot be fixed remotely, only on your side of things.
If you have done some troubleshooting it would be great if you list it along with the details of the device you play on, the OS and the version it runs. For now by looking at the AlphaBetty section on here I'd say your having a local problem as I don't see anyone else reporting this problem in the past couple of days.
If it was general problem with the game you can expect to see a lot more posts with identical issues being posted around the same time.
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It seems more and more people are reporting the game crashing on ipad and not loading on computer.I don't understand, have you been having a problem for 6 months on top of the game crashing on you? Working out where the problem is coming from is a process of elimination, the first most important thing is to rule out is your device and game as that cannot be fixed remotely, only on your side of things.
If you have done some troubleshooting it would be great if you list it along with the details of the device you play on, the OS and the version it runs. For now by looking at the AlphaBetty section on here I'd say your having a local problem as I don't see anyone else reporting this problem in the past couple of days.
If it was general problem with the game you can expect to see a lot more posts with identical issues being posted around the same time.
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