question about alphabetty game level 225 is impossible to do

Moira_Edge Posts: 1

Level 1

level 225 impossible with spending  money so not fair. make it hard but do able


  • 225 was a MASSIVE pain in the.... it is possible to do without spending but you will need the patience of a saint (or 2 if possible) if you don't get a lucky board.

  • If its impossible then how am I sitting at the top of the leader board for the level with 3 stars having never spent a single penny? It's tricky certainly although by no means as tricky as some that are yet to come (for you - I've completed every available level at 3* and, as I must remind you, with not a penny spent!) If you don't have the necessary patience to see this one out then I'd have a think about whether this is really the right game for you. Personally I find it the only King game on which I've never wished for additional boosters.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?