No reward of gold bar in alphbetty saga

Sandie_McNabb Posts: 4

Level 1

There was an offer to play a video and receive a gold bar.  I played the video, and it said I received a gold bar....but I did not receive the gold bar.  Is this normal?


  • Tune_D
    Tune_D Posts: 1,090

    Hi Sandie,

    I´ve never heard of that one before. What kind of video is this about? Do you still have a link or a description on where you found this?

    Honestly, I think that doesn´t sound like King at all. 

  • Sandie_McNabb
    Sandie_McNabb Posts: 4

    Level 1

    The video appeared in the game and took me to a video ad for another King Game.  I cant remember which game and the offer was a pop up link.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?