Level 345
Hey Baz,
I´d say don´t follow the game´s advice as it mainly recommends 3 letter words. Try to create words on the lower part of the board so new letters will appear on the upper part of the board.
Try using the letters in the corners as those are the least accessible.
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Gee. If only I'd thought of that in the other 344 levels!
Using all the tricks that have gotten me thus far with 3 star scores on every single previous level I am still unable to get any nearer than 12 remaining bubbles on this one. If I can't do it then I'd suggest that few or none are able to. I'd be grateful for confirmation from others that have actually encountered the level.
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(I'm French) I've completed this level, this hard level, with 2 moves remaining. It's (all) about luck, letters you've got at the beginning. Now I'm in 351, which is difficult too.
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