Black screen on iPad any time I try to watch movies to get gold coins.
In Alphabetty I can watch videos to get gold coins on my phone but not on my iPad. When I click on the movie camera icon on my iPad I get the "watch video" screen. When I click on the watch video screen, my screen goes black and stays that way until I close the app. Is there a setting that I need to change on my iPad to allow me to watch movies on it? It is 3rd generation iPad running the latest O/S.
My name is Johnny, I am a moderator here on the King Care site. Due to a technical error this post did not appear on the site.
I apologise for this, rest assured this is being looked at to ensure that it does not happen again.
If you still have a query then feel free to use the site for help or post your question again so our community can assist you.
Kind regards,
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