Things about Alphabetty that could be improved
Here are some suggestions for things that could be fixed that would make AS more enjoyable. 1) Make the number of points needed to get 3 stars on a level visible during the game. I have been very frustrated at times to end a level with 10 moves left only to end up with 1 star because it takes more than 25000 points on that level to get to 2 stars, and even more to get to three. 2) Crowns aren't reliable when used in conjunction with line blasters. For example, I might have 1 move left and I need to pop 4 more bubbles. I have a line blaster in a column that has 2 bubbles and a crown. I find a word that includes another crown and the line blaster. I get excited because I expect the line blaster to get the two bubbles and then the 2 crowns to get the two remaining bubbles that are in different areas of the board. Unfortunately, I lose the game with 2 bubbles remaining. My guess is that the crowns are handled first and that they destroy the bubbles in the column with the line blaster. Then the line blaster does nothing additional. If the line blaster did its thing before the crowns then the results would be predictable which would make the game more enjoyable. Discovering that the 5 minutes that I spent finding a word that should allow me to win the game only to have it fail is very disappointing. 3) Make it clear when crowns will affect rocks and when they won't. In some levels they achieve a rock hit and in some levels they don't do anything. 4) Make the levels a bit more consistent in their difficulty. Some levels are pretty much impossible to get to 3 stars without using gold bars. Others are so easy that they are easy to beat on the first try. 5) Let me earn tile shufflers on top of those that I have purchased. Once you purchase a line shuffler (typically as part of a "package deal") you don't earn any more during game play until you use it and it is gone. Makes you feel like you paid for something that would have been free anyway during game play. BTW, I have finished all the levels currently available. The last set to be released (>level 300) were so easy that I solved all of them in a few hours.
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