Level 189 very hard and impossible

Level 1
I have been on this level for over 3 months now and find it impossible to do Can you make this level easier?I know I like a challenge but I am on the verge of giving up completlly as I cannot do this.
Best Answer
Thanks for the advice hilla, I think I will load it up on phone then. I keep using liberty mouse to blast those stupid mousetraps.I will give your mouse a go but I think its called Mystery mouse. Lets hope that the right one. :-)
If you play mobile you get some gold for free by watching videos - 1/5 hrs. Collect gold to get e.g. 5 extra moves. I managed to get through 189 by using Adventure Mouse. Good Luck!
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Sorry, it is not Adventure Mouse. I almost always use Mouse Detective when spreading cheese.
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Thanks for the advice hilla, I think I will load it up on phone then. I keep using liberty mouse to blast those stupid mousetraps.I will give your mouse a go but I think its called Mystery mouse. Lets hope that the right one. :-)
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Now another issue loading the game on the tablet. Whatever word I make up it shows arrows or crown on the top bar. Also video does not load to collect the gold bars. I do not have problems with videos loading on any other games but this one!
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