I was on level 117 in Alpha Betta had 5 crowns. it just froze on me. I had I believe 19 moves left.

Level 1
When I tried to click on and move letters it would not allow me to move anything. I tried clicking on every portion of the game and nothing. I logged out and rebooted the game and now it is working. Can you help?
this happens all the time -- im on level 286 - and it just gets worse and worse -- I get booted all the time -- i play on my phone, my ipad and my pc -- it doesnt matter which one -- it freezes and boots me back -- but I have serious issues at level 280+ it changes the amount of moves you are allowed -- and you have to wait days for a reasonable amount of moves to complete -- im absolutely pissed of with it now -- and as you say -- you buy gold -- its just not worth it -- coz it will get you on the next level -- they only after the money you pay
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