I have had trouble with the game alphabetty saga

Level 1
It is extremely impossible to pass and I will be stuck on a level for months playing every other day several times!! Si I recently purchased some gold bars to give me helpers and it takes over 50 gold bars to get a tool to help!! Crazy then I bought auto shuffles today and the regular auto shuffles quit coming so why buy them!! Then should be in addition to what few the game provide and now the games today came with no vowels!!! Are you kidding me and most games I quit are because maybe one vowel in the whole game!! Then I use my shuffle that I paid for and still no vowels!!This is a rip off and too tough and never any game handout esspecially after trying the same level over a hundred times!! You lose and most told me in chat this about your game!! loosen and be more generous and more will play!!
Hey Colleen,
Sounds almost like if you´re talking about another game here!
What level is this about and are you still stuck on that one?
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