I bought 5 extra moves by mistake
Level 1
I didn't complete a level and the system offered me to buy 5 extra moves. I didn't mean to accept, but I did by mistake. So I got 5 extra moves.
The system didn't ask for confirmation and didn't ask for credit card numbers or other means of payment.
Could you tell me please if those moves and the gold bars that I got were free of if they've been charged some way, for example on the phone bill?
The extra moves are bought using in-game gold bars so there would be no real money charge for this. If you bought gold bars you would have received an email receipt from Facebook. You can also check your payment history here:
If there are no transactions then its probably just that you used the free gold bars that you are given when you first have the game. I hope this helps.
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I bought 6 hours life by mistake
Please, what can I do.
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