Level 46 & 52 - What did you do?
I'm very proud of my record in Alpha Betty and so make regular trips back to the lower levels to see if any of my high scores have been beaten and try to go even higher if they have. On returning to levels 46 and 52 I find that my bests have been beaten but it now appears to be impossible to even get within shooting distance of the new marks. Even the best runs are coming out at no more than a little over half my best and shorter still of the new leader.
Has the scoring system changed for these two levels? Has there been a reduction in gold and silver tiles? Why can't I compete in these two levels any more. Bothered by this!
Hey Baz,
Don´t know if they have changed the scoring system on these two levels, but they definitely can if they like. Seen this in Candy Crush Saga and Blossom Blast Saga too.
Maybe they changed it because of your unbeatable scores!
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