PLEASE can someone give me any tips on level 220 I've been on it for weeks and it's driving me mad.

Level 2
I've been doing this game most days and just can't get past it!!! So many people have passed, i've been down to having about 6 bubbles left, but that's it.
Best Answer
The trick with all bubble levels is to get the right balance between 4 letter words giving you crowns (which, if at all possible, should be saved til late in the game to take out the last few awkward to reach bubbles) and longer words giving you blasters. It's made all the more difficult in this case because of the limits imposed by the blockers. I would therefore start with Liberty as your Library friend (if she's not fully levelled up it's well worth going back and getting your scores up to 3 stars on previous levels) to instantly clear some paths. After that it's really a question of how the letters fall. Don't forget that you're not penalised for trying a non-valid word so don't be afraid to experiment with combinations that look like they might just be words because they might just be words!
The trick with all bubble levels is to get the right balance between 4 letter words giving you crowns (which, if at all possible, should be saved til late in the game to take out the last few awkward to reach bubbles) and longer words giving you blasters. It's made all the more difficult in this case because of the limits imposed by the blockers. I would therefore start with Liberty as your Library friend (if she's not fully levelled up it's well worth going back and getting your scores up to 3 stars on previous levels) to instantly clear some paths. After that it's really a question of how the letters fall. Don't forget that you're not penalised for trying a non-valid word so don't be afraid to experiment with combinations that look like they might just be words because they might just be words!
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Many thanks BazThe trick with all bubble levels is to get the right balance between 4 letter words giving you crowns (which, if at all possible, should be saved til late in the game to take out the last few awkward to reach bubbles) and longer words giving you blasters. It's made all the more difficult in this case because of the limits imposed by the blockers. I would therefore start with Liberty as your Library friend (if she's not fully levelled up it's well worth going back and getting your scores up to 3 stars on previous levels) to instantly clear some paths. After that it's really a question of how the letters fall. Don't forget that you're not penalised for trying a non-valid word so don't be afraid to experiment with combinations that look like they might just be words because they might just be words!
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