I need help with Alphabetty level 164.

Level 1
I get stuck with 1 to 10 bubbles left every time. I've been stuck for weeks. I need help getting to the next level. What tips does any one have? Thank you in advance.
If you've got Cleobettra up to two extra turns then start with her. The two extra goes are always more valuable on bubble levels. Otherwise use Liberty to make some space in the centre. Try not to waste any blasters that you pick up. If there's only one bubble on its line for example wait for a better reward. Likewise always choose a word that will affect a blocker over one that doesn't. Try to ensure that there are no double bubbles left by the time you have 6 to 10 turns left. If you can get the required bubbles down to 10 to 12 with 6 turns left, concentrate on four letter words which will take out some bubbles and also give you crowns to assist with the tricky last few.
As always, don't be afraid of trying some unlikely combinations to expand your vocabulary and lengthen your words. You'll never get there on common or four letter words alone. You don't seem to be doing too much wrong if you're down to 10 or fewer to go so it's just a question of persevering and finding those moves which get you one or two extra bubbles.
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