Alphabetty crashing
I have ios 9.2 on ipad and 5.1 gb of memory. I've tried connected to facebook and not connected. I'm using fios wifi. I just downloaded the game and it has crashed about 4-5 times in the first 10 levels. It lets me play a couple of levels, then will crash when trying to bring up the next level. I can play Candy Crush ok; it crashes about once every new land. None of my other app games crash.
Hi key204!
Which iPad version do you have?
Free available RAM storage is normally not the issue - the bottleneck is the available RAM for the operation system.
Seems that there are some older versions of iPad that are no longer supported. I saw it on another thread:
In case you have a newer iPad then I suggest you re-install the game. Before doing so please make sure you have the game connected to Facebook or Kingdom in order to save your progress, highscores and gold bars.
Cheers :-)
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