Why doesn't my AlphaBetty Saga game go beyond leve 320? New world will not open.

Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
I typically play on my phone because it is difficult for me to sit at my computer due to medical issues and I have been stuck at level 320 for a couple of months and cannot advance any further. I have all 3 stars on all levels.
Best Answer
Hey Dodie,
Looks like the mice have finished their cheese and gone for another adventure.
You can play more levels on PC, I think up till 365 or something. I presume they will update the mobile levels at some stage too, but it looks like that will be it.
Hey Dodie,
Looks like the mice have finished their cheese and gone for another adventure.
You can play more levels on PC, I think up till 365 or something. I presume they will update the mobile levels at some stage too, but it looks like that will be it.
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