Unable to break rocks in level 170

Level 1
I had 22 moves left and only 18 cheeses to spread, all under the rocks. I had numerous crowns and found many words but the rocks do not break. I have bought many extra moves. I have gotten as close as 5 cheeses left and the game freezes. I've had it with Alphabetty.
If you trying to complete the fill and break rocks with crowns then frankly it's no wonder that you're not succeeding. You need line blasters and lots of them which means long words, more long words, and then a few more longer ones. Crowns have no effect on rocks in this level. You have a lot of moves available so you don't have to set to work on the cheese straight away and can pour everything into getting into the rocks. It's a mildly tricky level, no more, if you approach it with the right priorities. It really shouldn't take more than ten attempts to get a good score.
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