Alpha Betty Sage level 122

sslawlor Posts: 3

Level 1

Playing on face book, it is the spread the cheese version. NOT the bubble pop. I have been on level 122 FOR EVER!!!! How  does one get thru this level? I never have enough moves to clear the board.


  • Baz_James
    Baz_James Posts: 861

    Long words. It really is simple as that. Your first two moves at least should be a minimum of 6 letters so that you can use the line blasters to free as many letters from the ivy as possible early. Don't worry about starting the cheese expansion until the 3rd or fourth move but when you do start it try to get it down the middle column into the main board in at most two moves. After that you should be looking for nothing but line blaster length words until around 10 moves left or 12 squares left to fill whichever is the last to happen. The odd four letter word is fine as long as you save the star for later but never go down to three unless there is literally no other option.

    For the last moves you should concentrate on four letter words taking in 2 or 3 squares yet to be filled and preferably a star. Because you have filled most squares by this point stars will be forced to fill the more awkward ones stuck out of the way on their own.

    As always though the key is to expand your vocabulary. The game will get increasingly hard to complete if you do not know a lot of weird words and how to extend words to longer lengths (you'd be amazed how many words you can put an S on!) Remember that you lose nothing for trying something fanciful. If it isn't in the dictionary just let it go and there's no penalty.

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