Alpha Betty language version

Mrs_Slade Posts: 1

Level 1

Why is the Finnish version of alpha betty so BAD. It doesn´t know even the simplest finnish words but then accepts words that don´t mean a thing. Not to mention the alphabet in finnish mostly consists of a,y,e,i,o,u,ä,ö and k,r,t,s,p,r,v,l,h,m,n.. there are very few words with B, C, F, X, W so its very different from English.

Is it possible to play the english version on Facebook (if your country is Finland)? I have it in english on my mobile but it would be nice to be able to have it on desk top too...

Doesn´t give a very good impression of your company when the language versions are totally utterly crap.


  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526

    You should be able to change it on Facebook. In the top game menu where your lives are etc there is a little button (mine says EN for example. Here it gives me the option to change the language. Try it!

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