Alphabetty level 204 not calculating words
On level 204 in alphabetty it will not recognize a 6 letter word after the initial one is made to complete the task. Sometimes it will but then it reverts back to showing only 1 6 letter word being completed. I saw this was an issue in the past and it showed the issue had been resolved. And, yes, I am counting correctly.
I have been playing for a year - I go back so that I have 3 gold stars on each level - so I consider myself quite the expert ... anyway, if you require 2 six letter words and 1 seven letter word and you find 2 six letter words it will tick then reverts to you still needing 1 more however, when you complete the 7 letter word, it does remember that you already had 2 six letter words and the game ends as it should. I just got an update on my app and will check to see if this is a bug that has been fixed in this update and keep you posted.
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