Alphabetty level 352

Posts: 29
Level 3
in Support
Playing level 352 it states I have 12 moves only which to me is almost impossible. On this link it says you have 25 moves. Can someone please clarify ?
I would have thought someone from the King Care community could take the time to answer my question !!!
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I don't know what you are referring to re 25 moves. You can use Witch Doctor to get an additional move. That brings the total moves to 13. But even with that, this is the first level I've come across that I cannot even come close to completing.
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I had forgotten that I had asked that question. If you copy and paste the link I mentioned into your browser, it will show you that you should have 25 moves not 12. I am past that now and up to 380 waiting for more to be unlocked.
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