where can I find top scores for AlphaBetty Saga levels - I want to try the "best in class" challenge
That challenge is effectively impossible I'm afraid. To get a score toward it you have to reach a level after at least one 'friend' has passed it and beat their score on the first attempt. Personally I'm so far out in front of all my friends that I can't even attempt it but the chances of all the necessary things coming together even if I could are microscopically small.
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hi, I have the same frustration. I find the game far far too easy. The 3 Stars are not challenging at all, and I have only 2 Friends with poor results to compete with. Soooo boring! I would really like KING to allow the players willing to share their results worldwide to be able to join a worldwide ranking system. I hope that one day KING will understand that not every player has many skilled friends willing to play their games. If you ever want to join me on the game, just send me a Facebook request, with the message "Alphabetty" , I will be more than happy to accept you then. PS: personal best score on level 2 - 420.816 pts. (Clean game, I do not use bonus bought with gold or any hack). See you soon.
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Thanks! I'm affraid you are much much better than I am...mine is around 13,000
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How can I send you a request on Facebook ?hi, I have the same frustration. I find the game far far too easy. The 3 Stars are not challenging at all, and I have only 2 Friends with poor results to compete with. Soooo boring! I would really like KING to allow the players willing to share their results worldwide to be able to join a worldwide ranking system. I hope that one day KING will understand that not every player has many skilled friends willing to play their games. If you ever want to join me on the game, just send me a Facebook request, with the message "Alphabetty" , I will be more than happy to accept you then. PS: personal best score on level 2 - 420.816 pts. (Clean game, I do not use bonus bought with gold or any hack). See you soon.
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