Alpha Betty level 286 is bugged on Kindle Fire and game is different from my PC and my Kindle Fire.
I only have 13 moves to collect 9 words on my PC, but I have 19 moves on my Kindle Fire. I can't play on my Kindle Fire because there is a glitch; when I collect the required number of words for one set and I get the checkmark, it resets to "x1" for every single Word Frenzy level. There is no way I can pass the level on my Kindle Fire and it's super difficult on my PC...Any idea why they would be different at the same level but different devices?
King have a habit of updating/changing levels, and if they do so then they always get released on Facebook first. This means that soon the level will have 13 moves on mobile as well I guess. It can still be done but obviously with a different strategy.
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