Are there any AlphaBetty tutorials out there that don't involve sheer luck?
Sometimes, when I've been stuck on a level for weeks, I'll do a Google search for hints on how to solve the level. The only "tutorials" I have found are videos that show someone getting lots of lovely, long words in one game (often from the opening move). Are there any actual helpful tutorials online, or do the levels really just need you to wait for sheer luck?
I'm not sure what they would look like if they existed. By definition, passing levels involves making the longest words possible to get the best available power-ups in the game. There really isn't any strategy or trick which can compensate for failure to do that. There are almost certainly more words available in each level than you are aware of so the only tutorial that anyone can offer is to improve your vocabulary and/or be prepared to experiment with combinations that look like they might conceivably be words (add an s to something even if it doesn't look like it should take an s, treat a noun like a verb, work on the basis that if you can pronounce it it may well be a word, etc.) You lose absolutely nothing by trying an outrageous selection of letters. If it's not in the dictionary, then there's no penalty for giving it a go.
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