Can't open Alpha Betty
Level 1
On my iPad, the Alpha Betty Saga tile is greyed out with the caption "waiting" below it. It's been like this for more than a week. I'm unable to delete the app - I click "Delete" and nothing happens. What's the solution, please?
Hi Steve!
There are several things you can do if an app won't update on iOS.
Please try the following steps:
1) Tap the app as if to run it. The first thing to try is simply launching the app. This can force the iPad to recognize the app hasn't completely downloaded and it will kickstart the process.
2) Check for pending downloads in iTunes. If an item is stuck in the queue with higher priority than the app you are trying to install or update, it can get stuck downloading. Launch the iTunes app and check the "Downloads" tab. If something is stuck, try deleting it, and if it won't delete, try deleting all of the pending downloads below the one that is stalled.
3) Reboot the iPad. After checking the most common reasons for an app not to update or download completely, it is time to go with the most popular troubleshooting step: reboot the device. Remember, it is not enough to simply suspend the device and wake it up again. In order to give the iPad a full refresh, you will need to power off the device by holding down the sleep/wake button for several seconds and following the instructions on the screen. Once it is fully powered down, you can boot it back up by pressing the sleep/wake button again. This process will give the iPad a clean start and has a tendency to solve many problems.
4) Download a new app. It's possible for the iPad to get hung in the authentication process. The easiest way to solve this issue is to download a new app, so try picking out a free app and installing it onto the iPad. Once it installs, try tapping the app that is stuck to see if attempting to launch the app triggers the download process.
5) Delete the app and download it again. This step should not be tried if the app saves information that you want to keep, such as a note-taking app. It's not always possible to delete an app that is stuck updating, but it is worth a try. If you can manage to delete it, you can just download it again from the app store.
6) Sign out of your Apple ID. If going through the authentication process by downloading an app doesn't work, sometimes simply logging out and logging back in will do the trick. You can sign out of your Apple ID by going into the iPad's settings, choosing iTunes & App Stores in the left-side menu and tapping where it displays your Apple ID. This will bring up a popup menu that will allow you to sign out. Once you are signed out, sign back into your Apple ID and try launching the app again.
7) Restart your Wi-Fi router. While rare, it is possible for your router to be the root of the problem. This isn't intentional. Your router isn't mad at you or anything, but because it has a built-in firewall and manages multiple devices, it can get a little mixed up at times. Try powering down the Router and leave it off for a full minute before turning the router back on. It normally takes a router a few minutes to power on and get connected to the Internet again. Once all of the lights come back on, try signing in with your iPad and touching the app to see if the download process starts.
8) Reset all settings. The next trick in our arsenal is to reset the iPad's settings. Don't worry, this won't completely wipe your iPad, but because it clears settings, you will lose any settings previously customized. You will also need to sign back into websites that ordinarily remember your account settings. But other than clearing out your settings, this process will leave all of your apps, documents, music, movies and data alone. To reset your settings, go into the iPad's settings and choose General from the left-side menu. Next, scroll all the way down and tap Reset. On this screen, choose Reset All Settings. This will prompt you before continuing with the reset. This is one of the most common cures for an app that is stuck during an update or an app that won't download completely, but because it can change any custom settings back to default, this step is saved for last.
9) Reset your iPad. The last trick is to completely reset the iPad. This wipes out your apps, data, music, etc. However, you can also restore these from a backup. The basic process is like getting a new iPad or iPhone. Once it is wiped, you will go through the same process you went through when you first got the device, including signing into iCloud and choosing whether or not to restore from a backup. The end result is you should be able to complete this process and not lose any of your apps, music, movies or data, but still, you should think about whether or not the app you are trying to update is worth it. You can reset your device by going into Settings, choosing General, choosing Reset and then choosing "Erase All Content and Settings".
I hope you get your iPad back on track again! :-)
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