Why cant i pass level 169 even though i have completed it 3 times?
Hi there- Thanks for posting on King Care. I am really sorry that you are having some difficulties passing level 169.
Please can you double check that you have collected 9 5-letter and 4 7-letter words within 20 moves.
What is the message at the end of the level? If possible please could you upload a screenshot of the end of level? You can upload a picture to your reply by clicking on the paperclip icon in the top left hand corner of the text box.
For instructions on how to take a screenshot please visit: http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/
Have a Mice weekend! :-)
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Yes I am sure. Each time I have done it I have got all the required words in less than 20 moves.it won't let me put up a screen shot because I have already published the question and there isn't an option in this part? I'll try on my tablet instead of phone.Hi there- Thanks for posting on King Care. I am really sorry that you are having some difficulties passing level 169.
Please can you double check that you have collected 9 5-letter and 4 7-letter words within 20 moves.
What is the message at the end of the level? If possible please could you upload a screenshot of the end of level? You can upload a picture to your reply by clicking on the paperclip icon in the top left hand corner of the text box.
For instructions on how to take a screenshot please visit: http://www.take-a-screenshot.org/
Have a Mice weekend! :-)
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Thanks so much for getting back in touch and for sending these screenshots. I will pass on this information to our developers for investigation.
Please could you also let me know the following?
- Which model of device are you playing on?
- Which version of the game do you have installed? (This can be found in the App/Play Store)
Thanks a lot!
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I am playing on two devices and have tried both and completed the level on both. A new model Samsung tablet is and an iPhone 6s. The version is 1.4.2 on Samsung and iPhone is 1.3.6. Thanks.Thanks so much for getting back in touch and for sending these screenshots. I will pass on this information to our developers for investigation.
Please could you also let me know the following?
- Which model of device are you playing on?
- Which version of the game do you have installed? (This can be found in the App/Play Store)
Thanks a lot!
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Okay I have done it again. It's driving me nuts and I think I'll just quit and not play King games anymore. This issue has gone on for a week and no resolution.
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